project rain

Saturday, July 24, 2004


One word of advice, never show to your employers that you are superman. You may rescue them during time of distress. Instead of appreciating you, they keep on giving you mission-impossibles since you have demonstrated you are capable. I just been handed another mission-impossible. Fifth one for the month! Damn leeches.

BJ 5:36 PM |

Thursday, July 22, 2004

World vs Microsoft

I have discovered the menace behind by encrypted messages. I usually type my post in Microsoft Word before I post it. The reason behind this is that I was a lot of time waiting for people. While I am idle, I take this time to write off-line. When I get connected, I usually just cut-and-paste the text into blogger. Apparantly all special characters in Microsoft is converted to jibberish in blogger. Why, I have no idea. So now I have retype the characters in order to display them correctly.

Why is everyone against Microsoft?

BJ 5:30 PM |

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Utter Madness

I am going berserk here. For some bizarre reason, all my special characters(apostrophe, etc) somehows turns into some gibrish i don't understand. Is this a message from another world. Maybe I should decrypt this unknown yet beautiful language. What? I'm hearing. You want to me to shoot them all?

On a unrelated matter, my keyboard has lost the ability to type colon/semi-colon. I think that key died of humiliation. I rarely used it(i think so), so it decided to end the suffering. It could not take it anymore. May its soul rest in peace.

BJ 11:40 AM |

Saturday, July 17, 2004


I am now obsessed with the whole inkling of building my own nation. I have moved on from the virtual craze. After sleepless nights, restless days I discover the world project. World project? "Is this the project where government is secretly selecting the inhabitants of a new planet?" a friend asked. For heaven's sake, please stop watching TV! Anyway, The World Project will consist of 250 islands strategically positioned to form the shape of the world map.

Problem with this solution, I need to come with at least US$ 100 million who buy my own nation. Mr Bill Gates, would like to fund to my project?

p/s What else are they going to think of next?

BJ 10:24 PM |

Friday, July 16, 2004


I was seriously pondering on the whole notion of moving to Jupiter. It follows that my dream came true, well, at least virtually. I am able to create my own nation, choose which region I want to be in. Build a nation and administer it according to your own political ideals, however warped they may be. You can create a Utopian paradise for society's less fortunate or a totalitarian corporate police state. Care for your people or deliberately oppress them. Join the United Nations or remain a rogue state. It's really up to you.

Check out my nation, also known as BONEHEADONIA as I am firm believer that "logic is always controlled and altered by boneheads". This nation portrays the inner workings of me. Mostly my dark side and hidden desires.

BJ 9:58 PM |

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Somebody needs a hug

Recently I was introduced to the awesomeness that is It's a site people can use to anonymously confess their sins, or anything else they may feel guilty about. The confessions are then posted on the site for all to read. Judging by their traffic, for many people is a reasonable alternative to making the long trek to church.

The site claims to be a source of therapeutic release ("It actually feels good to know that someone will read it."), but I'm pretty sure the drive behind creating such a venue is to attract people to read the nonsense rather than relieve people of their demons. Just as the old saying about television news goes, "If it bleeds, it leads." Our culture is obsessed with disaster. And I'm not any different.

I scoured the site for about an hour, and will likely return the next time I get bored enough. But most of them are moderate, admitting to things we've all done or can relate to. Like lusting for pre-marital sex, or stealing gum at an early age.

Wading through the many entries can get monotonous, but every once in a while you come across a gem that makes it all worth it. I thought I'd share a few of my personal favorites (some are paraphrased, while most have corrected spelling)

"I asked my mom to commit suicide for my 19th birthday. 37 days later, she did just that."

"My mom has no idea I have had sex with three of her friends. If she ever found out she would kill me."

"Sometimes I like to lick the counters at fast food restaurants. I don't know why."

"Recently a guy offered to give me ice and suck me off and I let him. We got really high and had sex for five hours. Nothing unsafe but I feel bad because my wife doesn't know."

"I have an anger management problem, and no one knows. When I get mad, I hit concrete walls, hit myself, and things like that. There was this one time, i just ran myself into my bedroom wall just because I couldn't find a jacket. I need help."

And my favorite...

"I have a square testicle."

Looks like planet Earth is no longer virtuous to be inhabited. Is Jupiter still available?

BJ 1:44 PM |

Monday, July 12, 2004


This six-letter word, powerful enough to blow up an inhibited south pacific atoll into ashes. It is so dreadful that the force causes a disturbance in the earth's magnetic fields, causing the migrating birds to the south ending up in North Pole. They eventually rot and die. This is what some people think of Monday. I never understood why.

Conversation with a friend on a Monday:

"Don't try to humor me, it's Monday." she said.

"What's that has to do with Monday." I squawked.

"The weekend is already over!" she exhaled.

"Did you have a bad weekend?" I was curious.

"No it was good actually. Very refreshing."

"So what was the problem? I could not figure it out. You did not get wasted, or hung over, or even got a tattoo that should exist. Everything was good, now you are fresh, what else could you ask for?" I rose in disgust.

The next thing I know, I was left on the curb of the streets walking to work. Ok, that's fiction, but the look from her eyes says it all.

Moral of the story: Never question the sanity of the person who is driving you somewhere.

BJ 5:21 PM |

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Weddings, arrghh!

I hate weddings. Unless you are someone who might worth something in my life and feels my presence will bless your wedding (which I don't understand how); don't even think that I will be there. In courtesy basis, based on your historic behavioral records, I might make an appearance, but fifteen minutes top before I get sniped from the smug married. The smug who? The Smug married!

The smug married are the ones who have been married pretty recently and with no progeny. They think they are better than everyone else there. They love listening to relationship problems faced by you. They find it amusing; therefore they make good listeners and would give well thought feedback and advice. Not! Their diagnosis for everything is something is wrong with you. You come alone, something is wrong with you. You come with someone different every time, something is wrong with you. If you don't come at all, what the hell is wrong with you?

With enough training, you can skim through the battle zone and escape death. One clue: they always wear matching colors. If you managed to escape, bravo; but be wary. Scavenging the scenes are the Singletons. These are god's complex creatures. They even evolved into two different sub species. Subspecies A are the crusaders of eternal love. They are usually well-groomed, over-zealous and constantly trying to establish their existence in the world. The subspecies is predominantly male. The rare females do pops in once in a while. In this event, the rarely seen violent mating ritual takes place. Its madness, parental guidance suggested. On the other hand, subspecies B are the more peaceful bunch. They are the self-proclaimed non-believers, lurking quietly at failures of past loves. Their creed is career. More of a pathetic excuse than creed I would say. Insecurity and loneliness is what both have in common. Both deal with loneliness in different ways. The former would just date or have relationship with anyone they meet while the latter drown themselves in their career.

But there is one creature you should fear the most. The Comrade-X. You should tremble in fear, even with the sound of their whispers and the sight of their shadows. They are also known as "The Punishers". They are bleak, depressing and sadistic. They are your ex's friend. Predominantly female, the rest is self-explanatory.

Who am I? Beats me.

BJ 4:30 PM |

Monday, July 05, 2004

Connection engaged

I never understood people who cling to the notion that "whatever you do you need to have an insider connection". What's up with this dire need?

I happen to befriend a bunch of people in various important places. I used to know them way before where they are now and don't plan to use them in any way. I don't mix life and business. Period. I don't see the need in any sort.

I also happen to know a bunch of people who wants to use these connections for their personal benefit. What I don't understand is why need to go through this while you can still go the direct way like other ten million people who went through it. Its not like you are in a desperate situation where you have no other options. For some bizarre reason, when something comes up, first thing that seems to come to peoples mind is that "Who do I know?" or "Who owes me a favor?". Why can't they do it the normal way?

Everyone says the world is about who you know not what you know. In certain aspect its true but for your everyday life its not. All you have to do is try. If you are right, nothing can go wrong.

BJ 10:12 AM |

Friday, July 02, 2004

Without Prejudice

I just came back from a business trip two days back. I arrived at the airport five hours before time as there was nothing else to do and nowhere to go. While I was lazing on the benches, I was watching with astonishment, a coltish kid; local muslim boy who was playing with some balloons. I was not the only one watching him; there was another pair, pearly blue, gazing at him but in despair. It was a little girl; Caucasian to be exact; who cannot share the same fortune of the moment. The boy sensed the anguish, decided to give one of his balloons to the little girl. This was the finest moment for humanity. At this current climate, act like this cannot be witnessed anymore even though it is as simple as sharing a balloon. I ask myself, "How was it possible?" If the same situation was applied to a grown man, I bet the outcome would have been the opposite. What made the boy to give up on his balloon? I realized that the boy was thinking without prejudice. All he sees is a little girl in quail of amusement. If he would have thought with prejudgment, he would assume people from the west equals corrupt. On the other hand, if the little girl thought the same way, she would have assumed that there is a bomb in the balloon!

But how can we achieve humanity without prejudice? What if the new millennium were a new beginning, an opportunity to turn, all together, the culture of war and violence into a culture of peace and non-violence? Is this possible? These questions linger in my mind. I do not have the answers to these. Then I came upon this pledge:

I pledge
in my daily life,
in my family,
my work,
my community,
my country and
my region, to:

Respect All Life

Respect the life and dignity of each human being without discrimination or prejudice.

Reject Violence

Practice active non-violence, rejecting violence in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological, economical and social, in particular towards the most deprived and vulnerable such as children and adolescents.

Share With Others

Share my time and material resources in a spirit of generosity to put an end to exclusion, injustice and political and economic oppression.

Defend freedom of expression and cultural diversity, giving preference always to dialogue and listening without engaging in fanaticism, defamation and the rejection of others.

Promote consumer behavior that is responsible and development practices that respect all forms of life and preserve the balance of nature on the planet.

Rediscover Solidarity

Contribute to the development of my community,with the full participation of women and respect for democratic principles,in order to create together new forms of solidarity.

You too could sign it!

BJ 3:18 PM |