project rain

Monday, March 07, 2005

Where was I?

OK, I have been gone since New Year. Some thought I went to Banda Aceh. Some thought I was up it everything and migrated to Greenland. I like the latter though, get a fishing boat, do some deep sea fishing. Backed by some blue whales, walruses and musk oxen.

Anyway, back to reality. I was seconded to this Japanese company in Cyberjaya. Initially was excited with the prospect of not being with my dullard colleagues. Alas, my joy was dashed when the first thing they told me that I will not be given Internet access. Apparantly my function did not require internet access and its a privilege to have one. And they are a bloody IT solution provider. Which century is this company in? So with the daily 120KM travelling and no internet basically cut me off for a while. Weekends, I was just busy with life.

I was back for a while. I thought I got my freedom back. The Japs were impressed with my work, they want me back! So my boss saw an opportunity that he could not miss. So now I am back there for another two months and another possibility of an extenstion for another two months. Oh my god!

BJ 4:47 PM